9999 Fine Gold Bar – Geiger Edelmetalle (Encapsulated w/Assay) B0780446. RARE AND SELDOM OFFERED. Not only is Mr. Foster’s subject one of crucial importance; he states his case clearly, drawing on a wealth of primary and secondary sources, touching upon many diverse cultures, from the Chinese to the European to the North American. His professional familiarity with all types of currency and coinage grounds the book, making it refreshingly free of airy theories and complicated jargon, accessible to any intelligent reader. His style is brisk and lively, enriched by the author’s own varied life experience. It is a subject to be ignored at one’s own peril. I highly recommend it. Is one of the most important books of this century. Foster is a text that should be studied by all those that claim to be students of markets, history and currency. [also available on e-bay auctions] documents the evolution of paper currency since the first national notes of 1024 A. Perhaps the most important discovery from our research is how gold and silver coins have proven a consistent and reliable way to circumvent the inevitable collapse of fiat paper notes and the personal devastation that accompanies their loss of value. The value of gold and silver coins endures-they have always provided. Conversely all fiat monetary units eventually and always become totally worthless. The same goes for anything that depends on fiat units for its value, whether stocks, bonds, derivatives, annuities, any paper or electronic obligations.